What Is Eggplant Salve Used For?

Are you curious to know what is eggplant salve used for? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about eggplant salve used for in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is eggplant salve used for?

Eggplants are not just delicious additions to your favorite recipes; they also have a long history of being used for their therapeutic properties. One of the lesser-known but highly effective uses of eggplants is in the form of “Eggplant Salve.” In this blog, we’ll explore what eggplant salve is, its various uses, and the potential benefits it offers for common skin conditions and more.

What Is Eggplant Salve Used For?

Eggplant salve, also known as “eggplant extract” or “eggplant ointment,” is a topical preparation made from the fruit of the eggplant (Solanum melongena). The eggplant is known for its rich purple skin, but it’s the compounds found within this skin that give eggplant salve its therapeutic properties.

Key Components Of Eggplant Salve:

  1. Solanine: Eggplants contain solanine, a natural alkaloid that has been studied for its potential anti-inflammatory and analgesic (pain-relieving) properties.
  2. Flavonoids: Flavonoids are antioxidants found in eggplants that may help protect skin cells from oxidative damage caused by free radicals.
  3. Phytochemicals: Eggplants are rich in various phytochemicals, which are compounds with potential health benefits, including those for the skin.

Common Uses Of Eggplant Salve

  1. Skin Conditions: Eggplant salve is primarily used to address various skin conditions, including:
  • Skin Cancer: Some studies suggest that solanine, a compound found in eggplants, may have potential anti-cancer properties when applied topically to treat skin cancer, particularly basal cell carcinoma.
  • Warts: Eggplant salve has been used as a natural remedy for common warts. It is believed to break down the warts’ cells and gradually remove them.
  • Skin Tags: Similar to wart treatment, eggplant salve is sometimes used to address skin tags, leading to their gradual disappearance.
  • Psoriasis: Some individuals with psoriasis have reported relief from itching and redness by applying eggplant salve to affected areas.
  1. Pain Relief: The analgesic properties of solanine in eggplant may offer relief from minor aches and pains when applied topically.
  2. Anti-Inflammatory: Eggplant salve’s potential anti-inflammatory properties may help reduce redness and swelling associated with various skin conditions.

Benefits And Considerations

While eggplant salve has shown promise in addressing certain skin conditions and providing pain relief, it’s essential to consider the following:

  1. Consult a Healthcare Professional: Before using eggplant salve to treat any skin condition, it’s advisable to consult a healthcare professional or dermatologist to ensure it’s an appropriate treatment for your specific condition.
  2. Patch Test: Perform a patch test by applying a small amount of eggplant salve to a small area of skin to check for any adverse reactions or allergies.
  3. Follow Instructions: If you decide to use eggplant salve, follow the manufacturer’s instructions or any guidance provided by a healthcare professional carefully.
  4. Safety: Eggplant salve is generally considered safe when used as directed. However, it’s essential to exercise caution and avoid contact with the eyes or open wounds.


Eggplant salve, derived from the rich purple fruit, has shown promise in addressing various skin conditions and providing pain relief. While it may not be a cure-all, its natural compounds, including solanine and flavonoids, offer potential benefits for those seeking alternative or complementary treatments for skin issues. As with any topical remedy, it’s essential to use eggplant salve cautiously, following professional advice and instructions, to ensure its safe and effective use.

There is more such information on popularweby.


How Long Does It Take For Eggplant Salve To Work?

It took about three weeks of applying the salve twice a day. At night I would apply a generous amount to the padded part of a bandaid. Anyway, the spot is gone and I am very pleased about that.

How Do You Use Eggplant For Skin?

Combat Dry Skin

All you’ll need is half a cup of shredded eggplant, 2 Tbsp. aloe juice and 1 tsp. honey. Stir them up and spread them on your skin.

Is Eggplant Good For The Skin?

Eggplant skin is also a major source of antioxidants. These protect the body from free radicals, and slow down appearance of cardiovascular diseases, cancers and early cell ageing. It also contains beta-carotene which is beneficial to vision and against skin cell ageing.

How Do You Extract Eggplant Oil?

An extract is made by cooking the fruit of an eggplant for about 15 to 30 minutes at about 120 to about 250° C., extracting the juice from the cooked fruit, and adding an oxidant to the juice that reacts with a component in it and changes its color from beige to black.

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