What Is Extrinsic Evidence?

Are you curious to know what is extrinsic evidence? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about extrinsic evidence in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is extrinsic evidence?

Extrinsic evidence is any evidence that is not contained within the written or oral terms of a contract or other legal document. This type of evidence is used to help interpret or explain the meaning of the contract or document and is typically introduced during a legal dispute or trial. In this blog post, we will discuss what extrinsic evidence is, how it is used, and its limitations.

What Is Extrinsic Evidence?

Extrinsic evidence is any evidence that is not contained within the written or oral terms of a contract or other legal document. This type of evidence can include emails, letters, notes, or other communications that were exchanged between the parties involved in the agreement. It can also include testimony from witnesses or experts who can provide additional information about the intent or meaning of the contract or document.

How Is Extrinsic Evidence Used?

Extrinsic evidence is used to help interpret or explain the meaning of the written or oral terms of a contract or other legal document. It can be introduced during a legal dispute or trial to provide context or additional information that can help the court or arbitrator understand the intent of the parties involved. For example, if there is a dispute over the meaning of a certain clause in a contract, extrinsic evidence may be used to show what the parties intended that clause to mean.

Limitations Of Extrinsic Evidence

There are limitations to the use of extrinsic evidence. One limitation is that it cannot be used to contradict or change the terms of the written or oral agreement. In other words, extrinsic evidence cannot be used to change the contract or document itself, but rather to help interpret it. Additionally, the use of extrinsic evidence is limited to situations where the written or oral terms of the contract are ambiguous or unclear. If the terms of the contract are clear and unambiguous, extrinsic evidence is generally not admissible.


In conclusion, extrinsic evidence is any evidence that is not contained within the written or oral terms of a contract or other legal document. It is used to help interpret or explain the meaning of the contract or document and is typically introduced during a legal dispute or trial. While extrinsic evidence can be helpful in clarifying the intent of the parties involved, it is subject to certain limitations and cannot be used to contradict or change the terms of the agreement. As always, it is important to consult with a legal professional to fully understand the implications of extrinsic evidence in any given situation.

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What Is Extrinsic Evidence For Impeachment?

Extrinsic evidence of a prior inconsistent statement by a witness is admissible if both of the following apply: (1) If the statement is offered solely for the purpose of impeaching the witness, the witness is afforded a prior opportunity to explain or deny the statement and the opposite party is afforded an opportunity .

Is Extrinsic Evidence Admissible?

Extrinsic Evidence – Extrinsic evidence of a witness’s prior inconsistent statement is not admissible unless the witness is first examined about the statement and fails to unequivocally admit making the statement.

What Is A Extrinsic Document?

Evidence which has some bearing on the interpretation of a document and is drawn from a source outside the document’s own terms (e.g. early negotiations, oral conversations, letters, and earlier drafts of the contract).

What Is The Meaning Of Extraneous Evidence?

EXTRANEOUS EVIDENCE Definition & Legal Meaning

  1. applied to any evidence that comes from outside the court. 2. Any evidence that is not pertinent to matters at hand.


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