What Is Saddle Nose?

Are you curious to know what is saddle nose? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about saddle nose in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is saddle nose?

The human nose is not only a vital organ for breathing and olfaction but also a prominent facial feature that plays a significant role in one’s overall appearance. While noses come in all shapes and sizes, some individuals may develop a condition known as “saddle nose.” In this blog, we will explore what saddle nose is, its causes, common symptoms, and the available treatment options for this condition.

What Is Saddle Nose?

Saddle nose, also known as “boxer’s nose” or “pug nose,” is a medical condition characterized by the collapse or depression of the bridge of the nose. This deformity results in a concave or “saddle-like” appearance of the nasal bridge, which can be quite distinct and noticeable.

Causes Of Saddle Nose

Saddle nose deformity can have various causes, including:

  1. Trauma: One of the primary causes of saddle nose is traumatic injury to the nose. A severe blow to the face, such as a sports-related injury or car accident, can fracture the nasal bones and cause the bridge of the nose to collapse.
  2. Infections: Certain infections, particularly those affecting the cartilage and bones in the nose, can lead to structural damage and result in saddle nose. Conditions like syphilis, tuberculosis, and leprosy are associated with this form of deformity.
  3. Nasal Surgery: In some cases, surgical procedures on the nose, particularly those involving the septum or nasal cartilage, can inadvertently result in saddle nose deformity.
  4. Congenital or Genetic Factors: Rarely, saddle nose may be present from birth due to congenital or genetic factors that affect the development of the nasal structure.

Symptoms Of Saddle Nose

The most evident symptom of saddle nose is the physical appearance of a depressed or collapsed nasal bridge. This deformity can vary in severity, ranging from a mild depression to a significant concavity in the nasal bridge. In addition to the visible changes, individuals with saddle nose may experience:

  1. Nasal Congestion: Due to the altered nasal structure, some individuals may have difficulty breathing through their noses, leading to chronic nasal congestion.
  2. Nasal Discharge: Those with saddle nose may also experience frequent nasal discharge, as the altered structure can affect the nasal passages’ ability to drain effectively.
  3. Voice Changes: In some cases, changes in nasal structure can result in alterations in the sound and quality of one’s voice.

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Treatment Options For Saddle Nose

The treatment of saddle nose deformity depends on its cause and severity. Common treatment options include:

  1. Nonsurgical Management: In mild cases, nonsurgical approaches such as the use of external nasal splints or internal nasal stents can help support the nasal bridge and alleviate symptoms.
  2. Surgical Correction: Severe saddle nose deformities often require surgical correction. This can involve various procedures, including nasal reconstruction using cartilage grafts, bone grafts, or synthetic implants. Surgical techniques are selected based on the individual’s specific condition and needs.
  3. Underlying Condition Treatment: If saddle nose is a result of an underlying medical condition, addressing the primary cause, such as treating infections or underlying diseases, is essential.


Saddle nose deformity is a distinctive condition that can significantly affect an individual’s appearance and, in some cases, their ability to breathe and function comfortably. Understanding the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for saddle nose is essential for those affected by this condition. With appropriate medical attention, including both nonsurgical and surgical approaches, individuals can regain nasal function and achieve a more natural and aesthetically pleasing nasal appearance.


What Is Saddle Nose Caused By?

Saddle-nose deformity can occur as a result of trauma to the nose, but it has also been well described in the setting of infections such as leprosy and syphilis and idiopathic inflammatory conditions such as granulomatosis with polyangiitis (formerly known as Wegener granulomatosis) and relapsing polychondritis.

How Do I Know If I Have Saddle Nose?

Saddle nose deformities range from mild to severe, depending on the amount of damage to the nasal structure. For mild cases, a slight depression of the nasal bridge can be noticed from the profile view of the nose. Severe cases include more noticeable deformities that alter the shape and function of the nose.

Can Saddle Nose Go Away On Its Own?

The blood vessels can heal if cocaine use is discontinued prior to irreversible damage. However, once there is a hole in the cartilage, the injury will not heal on its own. There is a significant risk of collapse at this point.

How Do You Fix A Saddle Nose?

Saddle nose deformities are typically reconstructed with cartilage grafts; however, conchal cartilage grafts are and associated with a risk of damage to the posterior auricular ligament and insufficient amounts, and costal cartilage grafts require invasive surgery under general anesthesia.

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